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Act III Conditions

* Modified: *

The Gloom of Shar

  • All areas outdoors are considered Heavily Obscured (Darkness); bright light is considered dim light, and dim light cannot penetrate the darkness.
  • There is no sun and, thus, no sunrise or sunset. Any abilities/charges that reset at sunrise or sunset only regain a single (1) use/charge per long rest.
  • Spell slots above level 3 do not recover automatically upon resting. A PC can spend any remaining Hit Dice to recover a spell slot equal to the number of Hit Dice spent. For example, spending five (5) Hit Dice will recover a single 5th-level slot. Spending 10 Hit Dice could recover two 5th-level slots, a 4th- and a 6th-level slot, etc.


  • In addition to a level of Exhaustion, each time a character falls to zero (0) hp, they take a level of Corruption.
  • There may be other ways to add levels of Corruption.
  • There is currently no way known to the PCs to cure/remove levels of Corruption.

Levels of Corruption

  • Level 1: -2 to all rolls of a d20, or to a Spellcasting/Ability DC if spell/ability uses a save to resist damage.
  • Level 2: Vulnerable to Necrotic damage.
  • Level 3: HP Max halved.
  • Level 4: Becomes “Undead” type; Effects 1-3 negated; Immune to Necrotic and Poison; Vulnerable to Radiant and Fire; Disadvantage in sunlight.
  • Level 5: Under the effects of Confusion whenever in the presence of Undead or Shar’s servants.
  • Level 6: Becomes Undead NPC permanently (no reduction possible).