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Known Cultures

* Modified: *

Known Cultures


  • Primary Values: Merchant, Warrior
  • General Location: Barony of Blackskye (South)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Human
  • Prodominate Language: Blackskye(Primal)


  • Primary Values: Artistic, Warrior
  • General Location: Theosia Caverns beneath the Starfall Mountains (East)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Scion
  • Prodominate Language: Detholusin(Planar)


  • Primary Values: Merchant, Religious
  • General Location: Goldglen (Center)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Human
  • Prodominate Language: Goldglen(Primal)


  • Primary Values: Diplomatic, Scholarly
  • General Location: Archonate of Myneros (Southeast)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Human
  • Prodominate Language: Myneros(Primal)


  • Primary Values: Craftsman, Warrior
  • General Location: Isle of Leondra (West)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Elemental Kin
  • Prodominate Language: Naerpyme(Elemental)


  • Primary Values: Artistic, Religious
  • General Location: Feylit Forest (Center)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Feyborn
  • Prodominate Language: Quilistara(Fey)


  • Primary Values: Artistic, Scholarly
  • General Location: Western K’chitar Forest and Starfall Mountains (Northeast)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Feyborn
  • Prodominate Language: Reyna(Fey)

Three Rivers

  • Primary Values: Merchant, Skulduggery
  • General Location: Freecity of Three Rivers (North)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Any
  • Prodominate Language: Three Rivers(Primal)


  • Primary Values: Scholarly, Warrior
  • General Location: Central and Southern K’chitar Forest (East)
  • Predominate Ancestry: Feyborn
  • Prodominate Language: Vandelais(Fey)