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The Story of the Heartstone

* Modified: *

As told by the Lady of the Mists

The Heartstone was created by the Count of the Dawning Summer Sun as a gift to the Perennial Kingdom. It contains powerful magics that are connected to the power of life itself, and was meant to strengthen an already strong alliance between the Count and the Plant Lords. The emissary to the Count and courier of the Heartstone was ambushed by a band of Treants who wanted to the artifact for themselves. This band of miscreants was lead by Trugliz who, upon taking the Heartstone for himself, lead his band deep into the Ironwood of the Prime Material plane to hide and exploit his newfound power. The ill intent of Trugliz and his followers had an untended effect when on the Prime Material, however, and twisted the power of the Heartstone as well as the forms of the Treants themselves. Their bark and sap dried up and desiccated, their leaves fell and crumbled, their roots blackened and rotted. They could no longer take sustenance from the sun or the earth and became monstrous, long-toothed hunters in search of flesh and blood to sustain them. They became the Sorah, among the most feared denizens of the Ironwood. However far it deviated from his original intent, Trugliz did gain horrific new power and is no one to be trifled with.

The Lady says that the Heartstone does not belong on the Prime Material and must be returned to the Feywild. She has offered her cloak—a gift of the Silver Queen herself—if you will return the Heartstone to her. She has given you a shining silver locket with the instruction to open it and call for her aid when you face the Sorah.